After re-watching the videos. I had to re-watch the second video couple times. I thing about the wording was confusing for me. I think I finally understand that we need to change the focus from Mary to John. Listen to Jackson talks makes me question my stance on video game violence and children, and how that can connect to violence against women. I grew up playing video games pretty much my whole like. I never understood the how violent video games was such a big deal until I became a foster parent. While maybe they haven't affected me,to be a violent person, or violent against women. Some of my foster kids, the way they talk online. It makes me dislike letting them play violent video games. I have heard the kids yell out in graphic detail the horrible things they want to do. Its not easy. As someone how as a hard time emotionally. I think that practicing skills is important. Taking away the violence doesn’t supplement knowing how to have a healthy response to any given situation. I think boys have been playing war with many different toys long before video games where invented. People have committed horrific acts of violence before video games.
The last video reminds me of black artist I believe artist like Little Richard who dress androgynous so they didn’t seem like a predator. Black males are much more often to be charged with crimes of sexual assault compared to white counterparts.
The last video also just reminds me of everyone in my life or that I met, who might be slightly different. How they might be consider themselves something other than assumed. I guess it kind of makes me wonder how things might be different if everyone was more open and accepting. Its been a educational journey to come back to school and see the more inclusive school towards trans, intersect, and non binary. Its been a interesting journey of continuing to understand my own identity.
For my check in?
I think for some reason I feel overwhelmed and maybe I shouldn’t. I have a irrational fear that my dogs are going to get out of the house and something is going to happen to them. This evening I went to a bipoc writing group. It was fun. I don’t know why but it seems like half the anxiety is just opening canvas.
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