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fall quater has started . . .

Writer: Dead WoofDead Woof

if youre reading this you can see my photography oct 5 at the stars center in tacoma, from 6:30-9pm thank you enjoy this update

Its welcome week, i havent even looked at my classes. . . . .i had a pup with me and the instructor starting asking a bunch a questions and it became a issue

one of my coworkers is muslim and she 17 and its alot to deal to deal with

im supposed to be all presidential and stuff. . . .

today was resource fair, and it was tatabus chuff . .//.. lots of talking and im waiting on finanial aid for the first time .. i got a scholarship from my tribe . . .. im also in higher education program with my tribe so they pay for my school already . .. but this is something extra . . .i wasnt awarded any other scholarships . . .idk

i traded my truck for EV, i have 2013 nissan leaf . . with bad battery . . .

im struggling as it is so idk what how this is going to make it better,

i think i own about $7k on the car, but i havent had a chance to check with the finance company . . .if it wasnt for this job i wouldnt make it this year . . .i can just quit my job . . .

i freaked out about the cost of the car and i went back to the dealship in lynnwood and basicly brow beat the guy to lowing the price, he said he would take it down by 1.2k and gave me a 500 dollar check . . . when i talked to the finance company i thought they told me the price of the car was 8.9, and that my truck wasnt counted toward the price of the car. .. and that they also did gave me 3.5k as trade in for my truck instead of the 4.5k they originally offered me.

i stared to feel bad, . .the was dress like the typical sleezy used car salesmen .. slacks, button up and jewelery and everything . . . . was only after i looked closer that i noticed his hand was pretty fucked up, his left hand looked like the mafia shoved it in a blender, im not sure he had all of his digits . . . and it was slightly smaller than the other hand. . .

it became really confusing for me, bc i started to question everything i just done.

now my question is this how he gets back at the world by making shitty car deal? or by giving me the break?

i was super scared to keep driving my truck . . .

so much has happend since summer quarter its hard to tell where to begin . . .

i can go about 30 miles . . .befor i have to charge my car again . .

i can charge at school for free . . .

taking art 150 intro to print making, bus 101 basic bus class and bus 160? intro to small business i almost steped down from the job bc i would rather have peace of mind and focus on school . . . kind of feels like harassment from the cowork . . .

i was elected student president for this year . . . idk whats going to happened but it will be interesting . . .we had land acknowledgment on monday . . .the culture department was there . .. culture department and my self on behalf of the young elders indigenous club we presented some flags to the college . . ..puyallup flag and some others . . .

im supposed to by signing a contract with blue cactus press about making a photo book . . . well i want to make a photo book and they want to publish my article misconceptions about ownership and original blockchain technology, we are going to work together to achieve both goals, we'll probably make other zine along the way


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